Sunday, April 18, 2010

Electric Model New View ancient history and leading-edge astronomy

Google "THUNDERBOLTS PROJECT" for great series of videos or related websites. I personally will be working with the electric model for use conceptually in cosmology, and more specifically, as I work to bring bio electromagnetics solutions to cancer and other major illness to people around the world in a clinic to be established where it can be administered today. Why? Since the American FDA, AMA and NIH et al use coercion to stop competitive medicine that works, I will go 'Medical Safari' and offer sound treatments outside USA jurisdiction, and in a location where you can vacation and repair!

(From website re Electric Model)

There are no ‘black holes’, there is no ‘dark matter’, comets are not ‘dirty snowballs’, the sun is not a ‘nuclear furnace’, and the origins of world mythology are not primitive invention but can be directly linked to deep space exploration and leading-edge experiments in plasma physics.

Recent discoveries in space have amazed and perplexed scientists. Current popular theories in the sciences can neither predict nor explain the phenomena we are now observing. In THE THUNDERBOLTS PROJECT, American mythologist David Talbott and Australian physicist Wallace Thornhill and their associates propose a new theory which can both predict and explain these phenomena.

5,000 year old rock art, the origins of world mythology, planetary history, spectacular nebular forms in deep space, and high energy electric discharges in the plasma laboratory – all are inextricably linked by the Electric Model. In an extraordinary synthesis of the scientific disciplines THE THUNDERBOLTS PROJECT presents us with an astonishing new perspective on ancient history and leading-edge astronomy.

Now almost anyone knows "we are not alone"

Right out of science fiction, but truly real. The small moon of Mars, Phobos, long suspected of being hollow, has been confirmed publicly by European Space Agency! And Obama has called an immediate conference to look into a new space mission.

Wow. Russian and now the US are redirecting there exploration and planned missions to Mars and Phobos to happen sooner than originally planned. Why? It is now clear that Phobos is artifical! That it is most likely a remnant or some such of a another intelligence that came to or is in this part of the universe! Yes, it is now confirmed as hollow, and leaky 'atmosphere' from within, and possibly falling apart! So now all the Earth players want to get out there and see it.

And get this. It is easier to get to Phobos than the Moon! Yes, space travel, time wise, is easier to this little moon that our own Moon. Do check out Hoagland's excellent photos and write-up on this here.

Maybe later, I will get to the thesis of Buzz Aldrin, who came out and said recently that on the back side moon visit we were warned off by alien craft(!), the scifri novel he later wrote to capture the 'idea's and things he has since learned, but for now, just to mention, that he has been a BIG advocate for Phobos visit for years. His call to visit it will change our views forever, and he knows it.

So, Phobos is hollow. Probably alien in design and who knows what else could be learned now that it is common knowledge for those willing to see and read? Well, as it goes, there is a good chance our MOON is hollow! Yep, there is growing evidence that it was 'towed' here from possibly another star system.

Interested? May talk about that later too. But, while on that point, will drift over to John Lear, the well known pilot and much more, who has been in this business for a long time. He says lots of interesting things in the UFO world now, but a couple that are of interest are: we have had a secret astronaut program running along side the one we know, that we are actively doing something on the moon and have been since about '62, and that we are on Mars now. Hell, he even states that there are aliens living on all the planets and that we know this as we are working with one or more of them.

And the reasons for working with them are far more dark, if that captures it, as things are happening out there!

Hollow Phobos, Hollow Moon, with two huge rectangular 'things' deep inside discovered from planet siesmic work, aliens on the back side, living on Mars and elsewhere.

Serious? Then throw in the visible structures on the Moon, one seven miles high, and on Mars, now known to be 'brushed out' for decades by NASA. WOW, the Internet has provided a new way to start to gain some information on what is going on.

All you have to do is google key words and subjects and you will be enlightened, many may be frightened, but I am excited!!

And Buzz wrote about this in his SciFi novel from some 30 years ago!! And now the information is coming out that the basis of his novel is valid!

'Randezvous with Rama,' Author Clark novel is Phobos!!

Next, want to discuss briefly the lake under the ice in antarctica .


Reframing how see the universe!

Well, for me, it happened again.

After many years, reading on relativity and quantum physics as a hobby, my interest has been drawn back to electricity. As mentioned in previous post, my work with the West Palm Beach group got me into alternative medicine game. There I met Jim Lipman and Abe Liboff.

Jim Lipman was a student of Einsteins, who had him teaching at Princeton at 13! He wrote his thesis on 6 or 8 dimensional aspects of space or some such. Well he is into pharmacology now, using natural herbs, but he is instrumental to me as he knows many of the key players in electromagnetics, including Teller, those in HARP, etc. (And I am working with him again in cancer treatments.)

Then there is Abe, the living guru in bio electromagnetics, colleague of Robert Beck of Body Electric fame and much more.

All this is my rambling way to mention that I have become interested in and very excited about the 'electric universe' model. Again, this makes so much sense to me, and answers so many questions that relativity and quantum theory do not! So, seeing the universe and understanding that all things great and small are behaving via a model that sees the galaxies connected as giant electric circuits has CHANGED MY VIEWS OF THE UNIVERSE!

Now, plasma physics makes much more sense than ever before. Do check out this link as but an example of the two gentlemen that made this happen. It will introduce you to a whole new world view of mythology and the galactic forces from our past and a new view of the universe.

I am very happy to have this new view and look forward to studying it and sharing it with others to help explain this wonderful world!

Reframing Ways of Seeing or what understand

Things are changing for sure. My work over the last several months has involved me in the treatment of cancer. I have spent much time studying and working with cancer. Now, as is most natural, I guess, I realize how poorly it is understood. But I am learning about cancer and exploring how and what to do to treat cancer.

Hmmm... late entry into this field, cancer and involved on the margins with new treatments. Working at an alternative cancer, where non mainstream treatments are used, IV infusion with DMSO and natural ingredients, Whole Body Hyperthermia, ozonated Hyperthermia, Ultra violet Blood Irradiation are the main treatments used or applied, plus immune system restoration via vitamins and supplements.

I have already introduced two cancer treatments that are in use at the clinic. One is the use of Artemisia extracts in one or more forms into the protocols. Now, an herb-based cream created by a unique individual, Jim Lipman; we are using it for breast cancer.

So this experience into cancer treatment, follows my work with the West Palm Beach group and working with various scientist and medical researchers into treatment technologies for the Big Fund that did not take off after 3+ years!!

But that got me on this new direction and into electromagnetics again.

Yes, the use of BEM, or bio-electomagnetics is a goal of mine.

So, have reframed my understanding of cancer in the last year, and next, my view of the universe, again...