Monday, July 4, 2011

Reflections on Comet Elenin

Apparently this small comet has raised the chatter at NASA to the level of 'high interest.' Hoagland has gone out on a limb and suggested that it just might be 'intelligently guided' in some form or another. That said, Oct through Nov of '11 will be very telling as the Earth passed through its tail and has a close encounter.

The Great Depression is still coming, with the Fall of 2011 being the serious downturn for the economy, Christmas of '11 being very challenging as spending falls off drastically and the dollar suffering noticeable declines, ever moving downward here and abroad. Inflation should probably accelerate and make living on fixed incomes and in general, ever harder.

Given the inevitable decline of the dollar, the Greater Depression and a decade of hard times all around, given 2011 is but the lead-in to 2012, Mayan calendar prophecies, I see more still to come. Throw in the idea of Disclosure, Elenin passing by, Galactic alignment issues, polar shift issues, sun activity of pending high discharges, the continued rumored elites and government building of underground facilities at a feverish pace, growing awareness that 911 was either a False Flag to further serious and sinister rape of the America people, if not a bow shot by one of the Secret Space provocateurs, the Perpetual War Model to further Empire Design goals by the Gang in DC, including by them or others of an EMP, WMD or nuclear blow-out, I am concerned as to the sanity of the world today. (My own sanity is questionable too!)

Yes, if survived or in spite of all this, there is a Consciousness Raising event, I do hope to be part of it!

Oh, think quality of life, not more money or material. Think survival, and being self reliant with food, guns and water for at least a month, three would not hurt and being ready for a year is not out of the question. check out my Fort Westcliffe for additional ideas (google it.)

Fall 2011 through 2012 shall be one helluva interesting time!!!