Thursday, August 18, 2011

"...biggest story to unfold in the currency markets "

Going to ground, buy and hold things of value. DO IT NOW. Gold, silver, pennies and nickels will pay for your future, your survival after the Greater depression (Casey). The Daily Bell article that follows is the first rock thrown and represents the coming demise of the dollar, with a wham-bam and the collapse of the U.S. economy.

Get ready to bug out, please, to the country and if can, to a retreat in a friendly country outside USA. Of course, if not in your world view, go rural in States, but chose carefully. Co/Wy/Mt are for the hardy, but very viable and many like minded, independent folk.

Chavez Launches War Against US Dollar

Thursday, August 18, 2011 – by Staff Report

Hugo Chávez

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered his government to repatriate $11 billion in gold held in banks abroad to safeguard the country from the economic crisis and said he'll nationalize the local gold industry. Venezuela has about 211 tons of its 365 tons of gold reserves held abroad at institutions including the Bank of England, JP Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Barclays Plc (BARC), Standard Chartered Plc (STAN) and the Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), according to a government document. ... Chavez, who has said he wants to eliminate the "dictatorship" of the U.S. dollar, has called on Venezuela's central bank to diversify its $28.7 billion in reserves away from U.S. institutions. – Bloomberg

Dominant Social Theme: The government knows best how to manage the money supply; Chavez will lead the way.

Free-Market Analysis: Whoa! Hold the US dollar horses, folks... the global reserve currency game just got a whole lot more interesting. There is, in our humble opinion, a whole lot more to this story than just the repatriation of gold being held at foreign central and commercial banks. It is perhaps the biggest story to unfold in the currency markets in many years.

One thing everyone with an inkling of monetary knowledge is familiar with is that central banks' monopoly over the issuance of fiat currency is a destructive process of wealth redistribution – ultimately enslaving nations under a perpetual sea of debt. International money power ends up controlling the targeted nations' media, government (including the courts) and, viamercantilist corporate activities, its natural resources and productive capacity.

Now, the global currency that has acted as the world's de facto reserve currency is the US dollar. But that is changing. The dollar is dying. In fact, we think it is already dead... we just haven't had the funeral yet. But wait... what Chavez has just done is fire a major shot over the bow of the Federal Reserve and we think this could possibly be the death blow to the US dollar. Here's why...

For astute observers of recent history, we have seen what happens when people like Saddam Hussein or Libya'sMuammar Gaddafi threaten to create gold backed currencies or international trade (in particular, oil) that could be settled not in US dollars – but gold. These people have very short life expectancies, to say the least.

The Holy Grail of international central banking and its major building blocks, of which the US dollar is most certainly at the focal point, will be protected at all costs. Bloodshed and human lives are meaningless in the game of global power consolidation, which is only possible as long as the money masters controlling the world's pillars of power are able to create money out of nothing and grant themselves the "legal" license to do that.

Ultimately the plan is to merge, out of the global financial crises, the various major currency building blocks, such as the US dollar and the euro, into one global currency. This merged currency will likely be issued by the Bank for International Settlements and managed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank – all non-elected international edifices that stand under the umbrella of the United Nations.

Now, as we have seen in the past, it is usually a death sentence for anyone who departs company with the central bankers and their global US dollar based Ponzi scheme. NATO and the US military-industrial complex are quick to act on CIAreports or other such propaganda that the ever-willing mainstream media enthusiastically trumpet to get the mass voters emotionally charged around some side-car fabricated issue that justifies immediate force be taken. Of course, the real issue of fiat money is not to be discussed at all, for that could lead to people questioning the legitimacy of the Federal Reserve System, which cannot stand up to an honest evaluation.

Today the Internet Reformation is quickly advancing the public's understanding of what money is and what it is not – at least historically speaking. People are starting to see that the money stuff in their wallets is nothing more than a promise to pay – a debt. But a debt to whom? And how do the money lenders collect on the debts? Where did they get the money from in the first place to "lend" to the citizens?

The entire system is a rigged game of deceit whereby the money magicians at the Federal Reserve have been granted license by the US government to "create money out of thin air." The US Constitution has been totally ignored and theAnglosphere power elite that took control of the US government following the American Civil War have been printing themselves into control over US-based assets and enslaving its population in debt and an eternal "time tax" ever since.

Granted, it didn't happen overnight. It took time to subvert the Constitution and install a central bank. The public needed to be in fear of the private market. JP Morgan, acting on behalf of the Rothschilds and others, served their purposes well. G. Edward Griffin has pointed out in his monumental analysis of the true origins of the Federal Reserve Act that it was a shameless deceit intended to pass the key to siphoning off America's growth and productivity back to the Anglosphere elite about whom the Founding Fathers issued many warnings, and against which the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were supposed to protect.

Now here we are, some 100 years into the Federal Reserve's existence, and their money manipulation and money power is facing its greatest challenge from an information medium originally intended to grant greater visibility of "subjects'" activities. Instead, it is providing the very impetus that is undoubtedly creating major problems for the short-term implementation of a global super fiat-currency.

Although we agree that the crises sweeping the world's money marts today do play into the "out of chaos... order" scenario, what doesn't play into that are leaders of nations going their own direction – especially if the road they're taking is built on a currency that has any relationship to a gold backing.

As stated above, NATO and the US military-industrial complex will handle the dirty work of eliminating such threats, should they arise. And here we have the little dictator from Venezuela coming along and demanding the repatriation of his country's gold from the Bank of England at that. This is really not going to go over very well with the powers that be, to say the least.

For it is not simply the fact that Chavez has decided to "bring home the gold" that is of interest here, but the question of why. And herein lies the "golden answer" ...

Several months ago, one of our elves, along with an esteemed free-market economist, drafted a proposal that laid out a detailed process by which a nation rich in gold and exports (in this case, oil) could create a dual currency platform – one of which was based on gold. Now, it is important to note that this is not the ideal situation, though it is a step in the right direction, for a gold-backed currency to evolve, should it prove the winner in a free-market currency competition as we believe it would. Ultimately, we believe governments should not be involved in the issuance of money at all.

Having said that, the proposed plan was circulated to government officials within countries that have in place the following dynamics: domestic gold production, a viable export market, and a government that isn't under the control of Western money power. Further, the leaders of the country must be willing to face an international backlash of immense magnitude in order to embark on executing such a plan. In the case of Chavez he certainly doesn't seem to care too much what the US government has to say.

Now, back to the currency war implication running beneath the surface of today's announcement. There is another consideration. How long will it be before the other socialist-leaning governments in South America decide to follow Chavez's lead? We think Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru are all very strong candidates – especially now that the US dollar is devaluing at such a rapid pace. All it takes for this Ponzi scheme to unravel is a blowback of demand and someone to trigger that event on the international markets. ... Enter Chavez.

The international oil-game has long been a significant piece to maintaining dollar dominance. Having nations go their own way and seek alternative means to settling that trade would be devastating to the dollar. Once again, neither Iraq nor Libya will see that happen – at least not now. Will Chavez get away with this plan? Or will he face a newfound Western attack unleashed, already in place to unfold when needed?

Will Colombia be recruited to frontline the operation? After all, that country is ripe to launch a gold backing for its currency, but cannot. It receives simply too much monetary aid from the US taxpayers to fight its "war on drugs." Alternatively, perhaps this whole Colombian war on drugs has beem more about the US maintaining a power base from which to bring force, if necessary, within the region.

The other component to the demise of the dollar is a reflection of the awakening of Americans themselves. Regular moms and pops are listening to the likes of Ron Paul – despite mainstream media's attempts to marginalize (and even make invisible) his platform – and these newly attentive Americans are transferring out of the dollar. The Internet, as we have long proclaimed, is a transformative process that brings truth and understanding to the living rooms of all those who wish to understand how the current system works and why it is so parasitically destructive.

People are tired of the bankers' bailouts. They are disgusted by the endless reams of lies that spew forth from their elected officials, all of whom are bought and paid for by international money power. People are tired of the barrage of mainstream propaganda attacking their every sense.

Conclusion: While we certainly do not endorse Chavez's style of government, today's announcement by Chavez is, in our opinion, important. It appears to be a step towards the implementation of a gold-backed currency in Venezuela. Will it operate as a domestic currency inside Venezuela only – one in which citizens may hold wealth while their fiat-currency continues to be spent abroad? Too early to tell. But something will likely spring forth over the coming months that threatens to further empower the destructive force of Hurricane Reality and the civil chaos that will likely erupt in its wake. Ironically, it is the dictator's own words that sound like the tolling bell of an international currency war, "...he wants to eliminate the 'dictatorship' of the U.S. dollar."

At the time of publishing this report, gold is again hitting all-time highs – trading above US$1825 per ounce.

Editor's note: Chavez also announced that he was nationalizing the country's mining industry, clearly not a plan we endorse. It makes no sense for many reasons. Since that is not the principal thrust of this article we will leave opining on that issue to others, except to say this: If Chavez wants to maintain the gold in order to underpin Venezuela's currency then so be it. He would be much wiser, however, to allow private market competition to develop the potential of Venezuela's gold industry – a highly speculative and costly endeavor to say the least – and to retain first right of refusal to buy any gold produced within Venezuela by foreign interests. Of course, the price paid would need to be at international market prices, but so what? Venezuela has tremendous oil exports that can continue to be priced in dollars and the international mining companies could swap their gold production for the paper dollars. The international miners all practice this ridiculous policy anyway, rather than keeping the gold to underpin the value of their shares. However, Chavez has decided to simply nationalize the gold industry, a move that will surely not bring about a robust gold producing scenario for Venezuela.

Ominous Parallels: 1930s and today! Great Depression compared to the Horrific Depression

Ominous Parallels

by Walter E. Williams

Recently by Walter E. Williams: Ignorance, Stupidity or Connivance?

People are beginning to compare Barack Obama's administration to the failed administration of Jimmy Carter, but a better comparison is to the Roosevelt administration of the 1930s and '40s. Let's look at it with the help of a publication from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and the Foundation for Economic Education titled Great Myths of the Great Depression, by Dr. Lawrence Reed.

During the first year of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, he called for increasing federal spending to $10 billion while revenues were only $3 billion. Between 1933 and 1936, government expenditures rose by more than 83 percent. Federal debt skyrocketed by 73 percent. Roosevelt signed off on legislation that raised the top income tax rate to 79 percent and then later to 90 percent. Hillsdale College economics historian and professor Burt Folsom, author of "New Deal or Raw Deal?", notes that in 1941, Roosevelt even proposed a 99.5 percent marginal tax rate on all incomes more than $100,000. When a top adviser questioned the idea, Roosevelt replied, "Why not?"

Roosevelt had other ideas for the economy, including the National Recovery Act. Dr. Reed says: "The economic impact of the NRA was immediate and powerful. In the five months leading up to the act's passage, signs of recovery were evident: factory employment and payrolls had increased by 23 and 35 percent, respectively. Then came the NRA, shortening hours of work, raising wages arbitrarily and imposing other new costs on enterprise. In the six months after the law took effect, industrial production dropped 25 percent."

Blacks were especially hard hit by the NRA. Black spokesmen and the black press often referred to the NRA as the "Negro Run Around," Negroes Rarely Allowed," "Negroes Ruined Again," "Negroes Robbed Again," "No Roosevelt Again" and the "Negro Removal Act." Fortunately, the courts ruled the NRA unconstitutional. As a result, unemployment fell to 14 percent in 1936 and lower by 1937.

Roosevelt had more plans for the economy, namely the National Labor Relations Act, better known as the "Wagner Act." This was a payoff to labor unions, and with these new powers, labor unions went on a militant organizing frenzy that included threats, boycotts, strikes, seizures of plants, widespread violence and other acts that pushed productivity down sharply and unemployment up dramatically. In 1938, Roosevelt's New Deal produced the nation's first depression within a depression. The stock market crashed again, losing nearly 50 percent of its value between August 1937 and March 1938, and unemployment climbed back to 20 percent. Columnist Walter Lippmann wrote in March 1938 that "with almost no important exception every measure (Roosevelt) has been interested in for the past five months has been to reduce or discourage the production of wealth."

Roosevelt's agenda was not without its international admirers. The chief Nazi newspaper,Volkischer Beobachter, repeatedly praised "Roosevelt's adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies" and "the development toward an authoritarian state" based on the "demand that collective good be put before individual self-interest." Roosevelt himself called Benito Mussolini "admirable" and professed that he was "deeply impressed by what he (had) accomplished."

FDR's very own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, saw the folly of the New Deal, writing: "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. ... We have never made good on our promises. ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started ... and an enormous debt to boot!" The bottom line is that Roosevelt's New Deal policies turned what would have been a three- or four-year sharp downturn into a 16-year affair.

The 1930s depression was caused by and aggravated by acts of government, and so was the current financial mess that we're in. Do we want to repeat history by listening to those who created the calamity? That's like calling on an arsonist to help put out a fire.

August 18, 2011

Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University, and a nationally syndicated columnist. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit theCreators Syndicate web page.

NOEL Comments: Don't take this likely. Collectivism and now Empire building, if not wholesale robbery of the American Economy is underway. Like watching the tide pull back, retreat, and THEN realizing that a tidal wave is coming, I am not sure if you and I can get to the proverbial hills in time and for the duration of the lasting impact from this financial fiasco. More over, it was planned!! WHY?! Don't thing this is otherwise. And THAT, my friends, is another story, for another time!!


They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

This quote reminds me that any President, and many threatening political types, have been shot throughout history around the world. It is almost common place in countries in South America, Africa and Asia.

And America. We have our own history of presidents ( had article last week.)

Well, Ron Paul has finally gained republic-wide recognition (I refuse to say nation as that distracts from his message and the archetypal image of 'one nation'.). He is winning the intellectual debates with the clearly Statist jokers running for president and the crowds every where are standing up and applauding him with gusto.

And the press ignores him, but their own bias, their blatant shilling for the State is being exposed, and-d-d,...

This is making the Behind-the-Scenes Big Boys angry; no, probably MAD. And that leads to assassination ideas...

I am concerned for our movement and I am concerned for Ron Paul if he has an 'accident,' is clearly targeted and any attempt on his life is successful. THEY will be exposed, seen for what they are and THEN there will be a reaction and it will not be good.

Well, at first. The truth is, the freedom movement would become a revolution and there would be serious changes in the political economy. The novel, “Unintended Consequences” will become truer than ever, representing the mood and a movement in America: remove the tyrants one at a time, until they stop, desist and withdraw.

But should Ron Paul be 'allowed to be removed?' He is the singular image of freedom and liberty, the singular candidate that is opening defying the entrenched Statism that has taken control of politics and the minds of the 'dumbed-down' Americans via an education from public schooling, an oxymoronic statement, if ever there was one.

Oh yes, maybe his son would run instead, but that is not the point. At this time Ron Paul is the linchpin individual that can take this country forward in freedom and liberty, and 'We The People' must stand strong and tall for his security and his protection!

How to do that? The police State, the very policemen involved are tacitly, if not openly against his very survival, will stand-down or not be there, just like in Phoenix scenario, when needed. Reminds me of the Black Panthers of the '60's, but with a Freedom and Liberty re-framed image, there will need to be an army of armed and security minded individuals and teams that insure his safety from today forward.

How best to do that? Hmmm...

One way is to take the States very model of the TSA and Homeland security to heart, BUT in the name of Freedom and Liberty, and the safety of Ron Paul: At any event, at any time when He is present, be watchful of any actions by anyone that may be suspicious, threatening in your gut, and be a potential for harm against Ron Paul.

That at any and all events, those with CCPs or where open carry is allowed, come armed! An armed society is a polite society and now is the time to engender this attitude and let the Dark Side, the Statist known Assassins KNOW that we will not tolerate them.

Remember, Jesse Ventura, in his book '63 Documents the government does not want you to know about' covers that the CIA has an assassination manual!! Secondly, the linkages of the CIA to most recent presidential killings, hits around the world of leaders elsewhere, is actually becoming 'common' knowledge among those willing to recognize the thuggery that lies immediately beneath the surface of our government, Just a bit of historic reading of the CIA and you would be seriously afraid of letting them get any further into our culture. And Remember Jesse Ventura tells the story that while Governor, there was a CIA operative in his office, that he was called away and interrogated by 20+ CIA operatives in a basement in DC!! In America!

Are you getting the picture? As a libertarian minded individual, as a Freedom lover, Constitutional Advocate, armed individual, I beseech you and other to NOT thing about this. THEY will very likely decide to assassinate anyone who stands in their way, and Ron Paul is now in their faces and STANDING IN THEIR WAY.

We not only have to become CONSCIOUS of this fact, but the reality that THEY can and will do this, if it serves there purpose. LONE WOLF model is used by them, but to date, thought fooling the masses, has been an effective way for THEM to eliminate those not following with the plan.

WHAT PLAN? Wow, am I alone here?

Heard of the New World Order? The Banksters and who is really behind the Presidency in America, much less most of the world? The Secret Societies and the Vatican aside, there are some dark forces out there and these are dark times, about to get darker with the (UN)perfect Financial Storm that is actually 'according to plan' of these bastards. The 20 TRILLION dollar thief of the Federal Reserve Bank to the Banksters since 2008 should catch your attention, even the GAO acknowledges the theft.

So, if you believe in freedom and liberty, protect Ron Paul or prepare for a revolution. Returning to 1776 via 2012, a la Alex Jones motto, rings with more truth than we might want to admit.

And do not think that THEY will not use some FALSE FLAG operation to impose Marshal Law, a full lock down on America. That Ron Paul’s ascendancy in the peoples eyes, may accelerate this plan on their part.

But freedom loving Americans must needs step forward in becoming conscious of what is happening, that Ron Place has become a symbol of freedom and liberty and the America that was born from the blood of tyrants filling the streets once, and may have to happen again. The good news is that the tyrants are not 2,000 miles away in a far off land, but right here in America, residing in 536 seats in DC and each of the 50 Capitals chambers of zombie-like refusing to act as the leaders of each State, but 'go-fers' of DC. Oh, there are the select few that represent ideas of freedom and liberty and they are known and stand out from the Statist Crowd that dominates each legislative house in each State of the union.

But the time has come to protect liberty and freedom and Ron Paul is the tip of that spear.

He may be targeted and we, those individuals that love liberty and freedom must take a stand.

I hereby pledge to be such a vanguard.

Will you join me? Will you work to organize for his protection and making others aware of this ever growing concern that THEY can and will take action if Ron Paul gains to much popularity?
