Thursday, August 18, 2011

They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

This quote reminds me that any President, and many threatening political types, have been shot throughout history around the world. It is almost common place in countries in South America, Africa and Asia.

And America. We have our own history of presidents ( had article last week.)

Well, Ron Paul has finally gained republic-wide recognition (I refuse to say nation as that distracts from his message and the archetypal image of 'one nation'.). He is winning the intellectual debates with the clearly Statist jokers running for president and the crowds every where are standing up and applauding him with gusto.

And the press ignores him, but their own bias, their blatant shilling for the State is being exposed, and-d-d,...

This is making the Behind-the-Scenes Big Boys angry; no, probably MAD. And that leads to assassination ideas...

I am concerned for our movement and I am concerned for Ron Paul if he has an 'accident,' is clearly targeted and any attempt on his life is successful. THEY will be exposed, seen for what they are and THEN there will be a reaction and it will not be good.

Well, at first. The truth is, the freedom movement would become a revolution and there would be serious changes in the political economy. The novel, “Unintended Consequences” will become truer than ever, representing the mood and a movement in America: remove the tyrants one at a time, until they stop, desist and withdraw.

But should Ron Paul be 'allowed to be removed?' He is the singular image of freedom and liberty, the singular candidate that is opening defying the entrenched Statism that has taken control of politics and the minds of the 'dumbed-down' Americans via an education from public schooling, an oxymoronic statement, if ever there was one.

Oh yes, maybe his son would run instead, but that is not the point. At this time Ron Paul is the linchpin individual that can take this country forward in freedom and liberty, and 'We The People' must stand strong and tall for his security and his protection!

How to do that? The police State, the very policemen involved are tacitly, if not openly against his very survival, will stand-down or not be there, just like in Phoenix scenario, when needed. Reminds me of the Black Panthers of the '60's, but with a Freedom and Liberty re-framed image, there will need to be an army of armed and security minded individuals and teams that insure his safety from today forward.

How best to do that? Hmmm...

One way is to take the States very model of the TSA and Homeland security to heart, BUT in the name of Freedom and Liberty, and the safety of Ron Paul: At any event, at any time when He is present, be watchful of any actions by anyone that may be suspicious, threatening in your gut, and be a potential for harm against Ron Paul.

That at any and all events, those with CCPs or where open carry is allowed, come armed! An armed society is a polite society and now is the time to engender this attitude and let the Dark Side, the Statist known Assassins KNOW that we will not tolerate them.

Remember, Jesse Ventura, in his book '63 Documents the government does not want you to know about' covers that the CIA has an assassination manual!! Secondly, the linkages of the CIA to most recent presidential killings, hits around the world of leaders elsewhere, is actually becoming 'common' knowledge among those willing to recognize the thuggery that lies immediately beneath the surface of our government, Just a bit of historic reading of the CIA and you would be seriously afraid of letting them get any further into our culture. And Remember Jesse Ventura tells the story that while Governor, there was a CIA operative in his office, that he was called away and interrogated by 20+ CIA operatives in a basement in DC!! In America!

Are you getting the picture? As a libertarian minded individual, as a Freedom lover, Constitutional Advocate, armed individual, I beseech you and other to NOT thing about this. THEY will very likely decide to assassinate anyone who stands in their way, and Ron Paul is now in their faces and STANDING IN THEIR WAY.

We not only have to become CONSCIOUS of this fact, but the reality that THEY can and will do this, if it serves there purpose. LONE WOLF model is used by them, but to date, thought fooling the masses, has been an effective way for THEM to eliminate those not following with the plan.

WHAT PLAN? Wow, am I alone here?

Heard of the New World Order? The Banksters and who is really behind the Presidency in America, much less most of the world? The Secret Societies and the Vatican aside, there are some dark forces out there and these are dark times, about to get darker with the (UN)perfect Financial Storm that is actually 'according to plan' of these bastards. The 20 TRILLION dollar thief of the Federal Reserve Bank to the Banksters since 2008 should catch your attention, even the GAO acknowledges the theft.

So, if you believe in freedom and liberty, protect Ron Paul or prepare for a revolution. Returning to 1776 via 2012, a la Alex Jones motto, rings with more truth than we might want to admit.

And do not think that THEY will not use some FALSE FLAG operation to impose Marshal Law, a full lock down on America. That Ron Paul’s ascendancy in the peoples eyes, may accelerate this plan on their part.

But freedom loving Americans must needs step forward in becoming conscious of what is happening, that Ron Place has become a symbol of freedom and liberty and the America that was born from the blood of tyrants filling the streets once, and may have to happen again. The good news is that the tyrants are not 2,000 miles away in a far off land, but right here in America, residing in 536 seats in DC and each of the 50 Capitals chambers of zombie-like refusing to act as the leaders of each State, but 'go-fers' of DC. Oh, there are the select few that represent ideas of freedom and liberty and they are known and stand out from the Statist Crowd that dominates each legislative house in each State of the union.

But the time has come to protect liberty and freedom and Ron Paul is the tip of that spear.

He may be targeted and we, those individuals that love liberty and freedom must take a stand.

I hereby pledge to be such a vanguard.

Will you join me? Will you work to organize for his protection and making others aware of this ever growing concern that THEY can and will take action if Ron Paul gains to much popularity?


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