Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reframing Ways of Seeing or what understand

Things are changing for sure. My work over the last several months has involved me in the treatment of cancer. I have spent much time studying and working with cancer. Now, as is most natural, I guess, I realize how poorly it is understood. But I am learning about cancer and exploring how and what to do to treat cancer.

Hmmm... late entry into this field, cancer and involved on the margins with new treatments. Working at an alternative cancer, where non mainstream treatments are used, IV infusion with DMSO and natural ingredients, Whole Body Hyperthermia, ozonated Hyperthermia, Ultra violet Blood Irradiation are the main treatments used or applied, plus immune system restoration via vitamins and supplements.

I have already introduced two cancer treatments that are in use at the clinic. One is the use of Artemisia extracts in one or more forms into the protocols. Now, an herb-based cream created by a unique individual, Jim Lipman; we are using it for breast cancer.

So this experience into cancer treatment, follows my work with the West Palm Beach group and working with various scientist and medical researchers into treatment technologies for the Big Fund that did not take off after 3+ years!!

But that got me on this new direction and into electromagnetics again.

Yes, the use of BEM, or bio-electomagnetics is a goal of mine.

So, have reframed my understanding of cancer in the last year, and next, my view of the universe, again...

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